Are Axolotls Good Pets For Beginners

They are known for being relatively delicate animals that should not be touched that much because they don t have the protective layer on.
Are axolotls good pets for beginners. Shrimp bloodworms and earthworms are also very good for them. Housing your axolotl in a larger aquarium also helps to keep toxin counts down. They are hard to keep happy as juveniles if they are kept in too small of a tank with too many other side they will bite their soft feathery gills off. The axolotl is a type of aquatic salamander that looks somewhat like a cross between a fish and a lizard.
They are commonly seen in the pet trade and come in several morphs. While axolotl are definitely unusual and have a very distinctive appearance being somewhat like a standard looking lizard but with gills and an underwater habitat they are actually relatively easy to keep as pets with a little research and understanding of their nature and what is. Axolotls are a type of salamander and can be found in a variety of colors including black gray gold and white. Axolotls are interesting animals.
Axolotls can really be sensitive even though they are considered the top of the food chain within their habitat. Unlike most aquatic animals in the area axolotls live in cold water. Axolotls in captivity having an axolotl in captivity is hard and they need a lot of special attention. Obviously you ll also need a filter to filter the water and prevent it from getting toxic.
Taking care of axolotls is unlike taking care of exotics like arachnids snakes or your usual typical pets like cats and dogs where housing setup is much more simpler. Basically they are not for beginners and it is simply because they have very demanding needs in order to survive in captivity. Axolotls are a hardy amphibian to keep and are therefor a forgiving pet when it comes to small mistakes. So do you still think they are wonderful as pets.
But unlike most salamanders they do not undergo metamorphosis from larval to adult form where breathing changes from gills to lungs. The axolotl is a strange creature that is critically endangered in it s native mexico yet is thriving as an exotic pet in captivity. There are pellets specifically made for axolotls as well that you can buy in most pet shops. Axolotls are strange and unique salamanders that make good pets for beginners and experienced individuals alike.
You can feed it with your hand because even if it bites you it will feel like touching sandpaper and won t do any damage to your skin. Fortunately they grow back. For that reason beginner pet and fish owners are persuaded into buying other fish before they move on to axolotls. The axolotl may not be a very common pet but it is definitely a unique one.
They are a fairly rare occurrence in home aquarium yet so much interest has been placed around them.